Teacher's Assistant

Vision Signs

As parents in 2020 we have a new role as ‘Teacher’s Assistant.’ With guidance from the true experts, we try to help our children navigate Google slide presentations, multiple tabs of Schoology assignments and Zoom instruction. My children would tell you that my patience as an optometrist is MUCH more than as an educator. Thrust into the role of educating our children in the spring and continuing in varying degrees this fall, I find my frustrations usually parallel those of my sons.

We have learned that their growing bodies need to move! We are all happier and able to take on the day after exercising. You will regularly see the Lai family out for ‘recess’ before starting school for the day.

I understand the impact uncorrected vision problems have on learning. I noticed my older son losing his place and re-reading the same line as we read together, around 2nd or 3rd grade. We worked together in vision therapy for a few months. After VT his reading speed and endurance improved, he also made big strides catching the ball in sports.

I share our story and the most common vision signs parents may notice during school time. If your child is complaining their eyes hurt, are seeing unusual blur or moving words, if you notice their reading improves when they point to the words, or they avoid reading - it might be a vision problem. The majority of vision trouble can be helped with vision therapy or glasses. In these times, you may see your child struggle first hand, know the signs so you can get them help. Dr. Cara


Myopia Awareness Week


Tip #4 - Stop Squinting